What populations does Melissa serve?

Melissa serves infants, school-aged children, and adults.

When is the office open?

We are open Monday 10:00am to 3:00pm and Tuesday through Thursday from 9:00am to 5:00pm. All evaluations and treatment sessions will be scheduled during these days and hours. We are closed Friday through Sunday.

Do I need prior authorization or a referral before an evaluation or treatment with Melissa?

A prior authorization is not required to become a new client.

Does Melissa provide home-based services?

Melissa does not do home visits as part of her therapy services, but she does provide telehealth appointments on a case-by-case basis.

What does Melissa treat?

We provide services in the following areas:

  • Infant Feeding
  • Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTs)
  • Myofunctional Therapy
  • Speech Sound Disorders
  • Dyslexia
  • Lactation
  • TMJ

For more information, please visit our specialty services page.

Do you accept insurance?

At this time, all services are private pay only.

What can I expect during an infant feeding evaluation with Melissa?

During a 90-minute feeding evaluation, we still start by discussing your and your infant’s intake history in depth, then complete a comprehensive feeding assessment.

Results and recommendations will be discussed at the end of the evaluation. Depending on your child’s needs, feeding therapy may be recommended and home activities may be discussed/demonstrated.

*If your child is having difficulty safely swallowing liquids or solids, you child’s primary caregiver and therapist may recommend a videofluroscopic swallow study.

*For mothers who desire to breastfeed, a lactation consultation is recommended prior to booking an evaluation with Melissa.

What do I need to bring to my child’s feeding evaluation?

To ensure the most accurate and complete evaluation, it is recommended that parents/caregivers bring the following items to the evaluation:

  • A hungry child: It is very important that your child is hungry during the evaluation. Children who are hungry tend to be more willing to eat in a new environment and try new foods.
  • Special foods, formula, and/or breast milk: We have a wide variety of foods and liquids to offer your child, however if your child has food allergies or is taking formula or breast milk, we request that you bring these items from home.
  • Bottles: If your child is bottle fed, please bring the bottle and nipple used for most feedings.
  • Food inventory checklist: If your child is eating some purees (ex. baby food, applesauce) and/or solids (ex. cereal, crackers, pizza), please complete the food inventory prior to your child’s evaluation.

Where is the office located?

We are located at in Huntington, NY 11743. We serve clients in Long Island and the Five Boroughs. We also provide teletherapy services.

Can I submit a document for services to my insurance to try to receive reimbursement?

We will provide a Superbill for your evaluation and a monthly Superbill for services. You can submit Superbills to your insurance to see if they will reimburse you for services. We are considered out-of-network at this time.

What does “out-of-network” mean?

Out-of-network means that payment is required at the time of the session as I do not participate with insurances as in “in-network” provider. It is your responsibility as the client or the client’s parent/caregiver to submit invoices (a Superbill) to your insurance. Your insurance may or may not reimburse you for the services outside of your provider network. It is a good idea to call your insurance ahead of time to ask them if they reimburse for out-of-network services.

Do I have to have an evaluation or can I just start therapy?

Yes, evaluations are required for all new clients.

Can you provide a gap exemption?

What are your fees?

Evaluation and therapy fees are determined based on type of service and lengths of appointments. We will discuss fees at the time of booking.

What forms of payment are accepted?

Payments can be made by cash, check, credit card, HSA or FSA cards.


What is orofacial myofunctional therapy?

Orofacial Myofunctional therapy is a specialty area that focuses on evaluating and treating oral and facial (orofacial) muscle (myo) postural and functional disorders and habit patterns. Orofacial myofunctional disorders may impact facial skeletal growth and development, chewing, swallowing, articulation and speech intelligibility, breathing, sleep quality, temporomandibular joint movement, orthodontic treatment, posture and facial aesthetics.

Who are orofacial myologists?

Orofacial myologists are therapists who have received specialty training in evaluating and treating myofunctional problems. Orofacial myologists are generally speech-language pathologists, dental hygienists, dentists, or work in other health related fields.


What are myofunctional disorders and how and when should they corrected?

Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs) are disorders of the muscles, functions and movement patterns of the face and mouth.  OMDs can be seen in infants, children and adults. Therapy can be appropriate for both children and adults. Children as young as five years old can benefit from an evaluation or from orofacial myofunctional therapy. Adults of all ages are capable of demonstrating improvement through treatment.


What causes an orofacial myofunctional disorder and why should I be concerned?

Orofacial myofunctional disorders are typically caused by a combination of factors that may include, a chronic airway restriction (e.g., due to enlarge tonsils, adenoids, or allergies), prolonged oral habits (e.g., thumb/finger sucking, cheek/nail biting, teeth clenching/grinding), neurological conditions, sensory deficits or delays in oral growth and development or speech production developmental delays, structural or physiological abnormalities (e.g., tongue-tie), or a hereditary predisposition.

These disorders can have a negative effect on the growth and development of the individual’s dentition, cosmetic appearance, chewing, swallowing, articulation and speech intelligibility, breathing, and sleep quality.


What is the I.A.O.M.?

The IAOM, or International Association of Orofacial Myology, is a professional group that most orofacial myologists belong to. All IAOM members adhere to a Scope of Practice that distinguishes their membership in the IAOM from other organizations. In addition, continuing education courses are offered through the IAOM for members to advance toward certified status within the IAOM.